
4 New Free WordPress Plugins To Boost Your Site

The ever awesome guys over at Graph Paper Press have just released 4 new WordPress Plugins and they’re giving it away for free 🙂

These plugins require WordPress version 3.1 and works best with a Graph Paper Press theme. If you don’t have a GPP theme, they do function just fine on any WordPress theme.
Without further a due lets check them out shall we 🙂

GPP Slideshow

GPP Slideshow

Create minimalist image slideshows using the new Gallery post type or using WordPress’ built in gallery shortcode on Posts and Pages.

GPP Welcome Message Widget

GPP Welcome Message Widget

Allows you to create a large welcome message in any widgetized region of your theme.

GPP About You Widget

GPP About You Widget

Adds a widget for easily creating an about you section to any widgetized region in your theme.

GPP Testimonials Widget

GPP Testimonials Widget

Create attention-grabbing customer testimonials. Use shortcode to add to Posts & Pages or you can add testimonials using widgets.

By ArtWave

:: Musical and Visionary Artist ::
CEO - Creative Director of ArtWave Design, ®
the Multimedia with Mind. Providing services for Graphic Design, Web Design, Multimedia, Illustration and Artistry.

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