
Protect Your Email Address With Enkoder

Everyone knows, once you post your email address on the world wide web, you are bound to be receiving spam emails filling up your inbox. Unfortunately the only way this can be prevented is by Never posting or sharing your email/s online. However, there are other alternatives, one in particular ‘The Enkoder App‘ – a free application that encodes your email address with an encryption of code which you copy onto your X/HTML document, and your email address will be protected 🙂
The application itself is for Mac OS, however, there is an âž¡ online version as well.
Application âž¡ Download & Details .


By ArtWave

:: Musical and Visionary Artist ::
CEO - Creative Director of ArtWave Design, ®
the Multimedia with Mind. Providing services for Graphic Design, Web Design, Multimedia, Illustration and Artistry.

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