Today is your lucky day!! We’ve got more goodies to give away to our fabulous readers 🙂 Our featured freebie is textured patchwork patterns, which include 6 color variations; blue, brown, green, red, grey & purple. They come in PNG fomat, which are tileable to create that lovely background on your next design project….pretty much […]
Tag: DMA
Thank YOU for stopping by, it’s you’re lucky day today 🙂 We’re giving away a sweet collection of 4 high resolution fabric textures! They consist of 3 corduroy fabrics – blue, multi-coloured, red – and 1 violet velvet fabric. **Please consider making a donation. The more donations we receive the more freebies you’ll get 🙂 […]
Web 2.0 Button Icons
Hey hey, ArtWave Design icon creation anew! Web 2.0 Button Icons consists of 6 awesome web 2.0 icons: Twitter, Digg, Stumbleupon, Facebook, mixx and rss. They are free for personal use. Subscribe to our feed and stay tuned for all kinds of goodies from ArtWave Design 😉 Redistribution and Commercial use is NOT LEGALLY PERMITTED. […]
Glass Menagerie Icon Set 1
I present to you my latest icon creation! Glass Menagerie Icon Set 1 consists of 4 stunning web 2.0 icons: Twitter, Digg, YouTube & Facebook. They are free for personal use. ArtWave Design will be releasing more from this set, subscribe to our feed to stay tuned for the next release and a ton more […]
Free Weathered Apple Wallpaper

Take a look at this awesome Wallpaper!! Great combination of textures, and the Apple logo weathered…just a lovely design to have on your desktop 🙂