WP Themes

Theme Wars: WordPress Themes

Where the Designers Battle and the Community Votes for the Top WordPress Themes! So here’s how it works:

  1. Each week, any blog designer can submit an entry (original design) into the “Weekly War.”
  2. The Weekly War will be a contest to design a particular type of theme (e.g., magazine, business, etc.) as voted on by the community (via poll) the week before.
  3. The top two designs which the community votes for will be sold in the Theme Store. The winning designer receives a percentage cut each time their winning theme sells in the theme store!

Sounds pretty cool huh? check it out ➡ Theme Wars 🙂

Theme Wars

By ArtWave

:: Musical and Visionary Artist ::
CEO - Creative Director of ArtWave Design, ®
the Multimedia with Mind. Providing services for Graphic Design, Web Design, Multimedia, Illustration and Artistry.

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