ArtWave Design Design

Web 2.0 Button Icons

Hey hey, ArtWave Design icon creation anew!
Web 2.0 Button Icons consists of 6 awesome web 2.0 icons: Twitter, Digg, Stumbleupon, Facebook, mixx and rss. They are free for personal use. Subscribe to our feed and stay tuned for all kinds of goodies from ArtWave Design 😉

Web 2.0 Button Icons
Web 2.0 Button Icons
  • Redistribution and Commercial use is NOT LEGALLY PERMITTED.
  • They are for personal use ONLY.
  • When sharing, these icons can ONLY BE Downloaded from this page.

Creative Commons LicenseWeb 2.0 Button Icons by ArtWave Design is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.
* The Logos used in these icons are copyright their respective companies.

Web 2.0 Button Icons (3141 downloads )

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By ArtWave

:: Musical and Visionary Artist ::
CEO - Creative Director of ArtWave Design, ®
the Multimedia with Mind. Providing services for Graphic Design, Web Design, Multimedia, Illustration and Artistry.